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Google+ is Active, not Passive, Social Networking

This past week saw the introduction of Google+, the search behemoth's entry into the social networking fray. A slew of posts, articles, opinion pieces, etc. were sure to flow - and as I settled down with some time and a backlog of links to review, here are my initial thoughts on the service. httpvh:// Do I need yet another social networking platform? Not really, I've got my personal (Facebook) and professional (LinkedIn) networks somewhat segregated, and I am falling a…

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Twitter and the First Amendment

Apparently, 2011 is the year when Twitter, Facebook, and smartphone videos are graduating from Social Networking toys to evolutionary, revolutionary Sociology tools. Can they be controlled by governments or big business? It's been argued that any such controls might run afoul of Amendment No. 1 from our Bill of Rights ... how amazing for a clever hack that originated in a daylong brainstorming session. Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and the Press What is a tweet? 140 characters - one or…

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Gee, this social network – presence – IM – knowledge management – collaboration stuff really works

A fun week or so, watching the impact of various abstracts / memes as they manifest themselves in many interesting ways ... Collaboration: A few evenings ago, I finished up an email regarding some projects at work; Mark1 has been investigating what I called "on-line collaboration", where shared documents, drawings, etc. could be discussed and modified via a shared desktop. I was telling him about "off-line collaboration", like blogs and wikis, and capturing the collective knowledge of a group. I…

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